News & Politics

Is Breitbart Altering AP Articles?

Update 2: We’ve learned that the AP does indeed revise their articles throughout the day, and the article Breitbart posted was indeed an earlier version.   The Trump Administration recently announced the removal of the Director…

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White House Whistler Blower began leaking details of the new administration.

Did Somone Leak White House Secrets?

Yesterday, a Twitter profile popped up and began releasing a barrage of alleged “leaks”.  Whether these leaks were true or not remains to be seen. However the Twitter account lasted for appeared to be 12 hours…

Breitbart Altering News Articles

Did Stephen Bannon Kill Andrew Breitbart?

Subscribers to since the late 1990’s will know far and wide how much Andrew Breitbart meant to Matt Drudge. The two, in tandem, had then set the precedent for how users consumed their news…